When you want to realise site conceptions successfully you will need qualified and creative site marketing. Our company connects site development with concrete marketing conceptions, tuned to the individual characteristics of each property. Successful search for investors already has to start during the concept development. That way GKU Standortentwicklung GmbH can refer to successful recruitment of lead-investors, espacially for difficult usable brownfields in unfavourable locations. It could be create jobs.
GKU Standortentwicklung GmbH developed and produced effective marketing instruments as print products like reputation brochures, maps, folders etc. and electronic instruments like 3-dimensional electronically property models, virtual object demonstration which are distribute by CD/ DVD, homepage or downloads.
Site presentations
One of the important marketing activity for large-area properties is the presentation in front of of a broad audience at the world’s largest exhibition EXPO REAL in Munich or even at trade fairs like EXPANSION for logistic industries in Hamburg. GKU Standortentwicklung GmbH will do content preparations and organisation; will develop interesting presentations and moderates events.
Property development needs public presence and specific information for acceptance and public support. GKU Standortentwicklung GmbH ensures therefore a continuous image cultivation and information strategy. In the end this will lead to constant acquisition of local investors.
Professional communication
GKU Standortentwicklung GmbH organize public expert conferences and expert discussions. Experts of different disciplines communicate about common property problems with the municipalities and owners of the property. Experiences are exchanged, knowledge is imparted and all possible solutions are considered in order to help the owners and municipalities with there problems.