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Startsite > News & Facts > Highlights > Final Conference "BFR"
bfr karte
Successful conclusion of INTERREG-Project
"Baltic Culture and Tourism Route Fortresses" 2007

Model of a culture route along historical fortresses developed

The by GKU Standortentwicklung GmbH developed and organisated project of transnational cooperation "Baltic Culture and Tourism Route Fortresses" could be successfully concluded with the Final Conference in October 2007 in Kostrzyn (PL). 70 guests from 9 countries participated at the consultations about 4 days. A highly spectrum of results was presented.

This Final Conference was also start for further development of a culture route around the Baltic Sea til 2012. Famous fortresses like "Peter and Paul fortress" St, Petersburg, the finnish national fortress Suomenlinna Helsinki and fortresses in Copenhagen and Riga would take part.

f.l.t.r.: Zbigniew Biedulski (Deputy Mayor Municipality of City Kostrzyn nad Odra), Dr. Andrzej Kunt (Mayor Municipality of City Kostrzyn nad Odra), Hartmut Röder (Coordinator BFR-Projekt, Geschäftsführer GKU Standortentwicklung GmbH) Fortresses and scientific partners gets these memeber-shields during the awarding ceremony

Highly interest from whole Europe

There is a highly resonance about cultural route "Baltic Fort Route". During a conference with new partners, GKU presented the strategy for a pan-european culture route along historical fortresses.

Next years the fortress-tourism from Baltc Sea to Adria will be extend.

Celebrities of fortresses like Königstein, Vysehrad (Praha), Olomouc, Venice and Verona as well as french and dutch fortresses would like to take part. Therefore, a funding application to INTERREG-IV-B-programme in central Europe will be propose.

  Steering Commitee und neue Festungspartner

Coordination Centre founded

For continuation of transnational cooperation, "Coordination Centre" was founded in Berlin (D), Kostrzyn nad Odra (PL) and Kaunas (LT). The "Coordination Centre BFR-Management" is based in Berlin on GKU Standortentwicklung GmbH and will be lead by Mr. Hartmut Röder (Chairman) and Mr. Dr. Hans-Rudolf Neumann (Scientific Coordinator).

more about:   EU-funding project "Baltic Fort Route" 2005-2007