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Baltic Sea Region

Baltic Sea Region

EU-funding project "Baltic Fort Route" 2005 - 2007

Project development and project management
by GKU Standortentwicklung GmbH
for transnational cooperation in
Baltic Sea region

Gdansk (PL),
Fortress Weichselmünde

Historical fortresses belong to the European cultural heritage. They were used over many centuries to protect settlements and landscapes. In the end of the 19th century this highly developed military architecture found an end when the weapon technology was superior by the architecture.

Today exist huge challenges in the terms of preservation, renovation and a contemporary use of fortress monuments especially in Central and Eastern Europe. In the cold war area the barracks were badly damaged, at the same time other objects in Western Europe were already demilitarized.

The old town-fortress Küstrin (today called Kostrzyn nad Odra/Poland) was 1945 almost completely destroyed and today you can visit in this reminding condition. Largely renovated fortresses like citadel Berlin-Spandau (D) and the fortress Dömitz (D) offer an extensive program for tourists. Fortresses like Gdansk (PL), Königsberg (RU) and Kaunus (LT) still need lots of support to reach these level.

Fortress days Kostrzyn (PL)
Foto: Tomasz Kulik
Swinoujscie (PL)
Foto: A. Jackowski
Citadel Spandau, Berlin (DE)
Foto: E. Rieger
Fortress Kaunas (LT)

Together with fortress experts GKU Standortentwicklung GmbH initiates the European funded project “Baltic Culture and Tourism Route Fortresses”. A complex transnational cooperation for conservation, renovation, use of fortresses corresponding to monument preservation, development of infrastructure as well as the management organisation was started.

According to GKU concept worldwide 14 fortresses and 6 universities/ institutes from 4 countries develop a standardized Transnational Information System -TIS- for fortresses. Additionally 3 competence and consulting centers for documentation, renovation technology and nature management in fortresses were established. Pilot and demonstration projects as well as practical courses for students in specialised fields will be realised. There is a high demand for knowledge and experiences worldwide.

Kick-off-meeting-Slubice 2005

Kolobrzeg, Fortress Kolberg
Fortress Weichselmünde

Main goal is the development of a transnational tourism route in the Baltic Region named as “Baltic Fort Route” (BFR), to present the cultural heritage to an international broad audience. The fortresses shall be networked on an european level and the fortress management shall be promoted through the tourism.

4 pilot tours were developed, on which tourists can travel from Kostrzyn along the Baltic fortress route. Thats a first model for organised fortress tourism with requirements in culture, entertainment and information. Information for sample travels you can find here.

The coordinators Hartmut Röder (chief coordinator) and Dr. Hans-Rudolf Neumann (scientific coordinator) would like to inform you personally per telephone, fax or E-Mail. For further information have look at as well as in our publications about the project. We are always grateful for suggestions and hints.

A geographical map with all the fortress members you will find here:
(it needs Google Earth)
Fortresses of Baltic Fort Route (BFR)

Members in BFR:
Fortress Dömitz
Citadel Spandau
Fort Hahneberg
Fortress Peitz
Fort Gorgast
Fortress Kostrzyn
Fortresses Kolobrzeg
Fort Hagelsberg, Gdansk
Fortress Weichselmünde,
Fortress Modlin
Fortress Boyen
Fortresses Swinemünde
Fortresses Kaunas

Festung Königsberg

Europe University Viadrina,
Frankfurt / Oder
Humboldt-University Berlin
Immanuel Kant
University Kaliningrad
Vitautas Magnus
University Kaunas
Technical University Kaunas


Lead Partner:

Town Kostrzyn nad Odra
A. Zurawska-Tatala
Tel.: +48-95 / 7278 124


Hartmut Röder
Tel.: +49-30 / 92 37 21-0

Dr. Hans-Rudolf Neumann
Tel.: +49-30 / 314 723 88

Project website:


Start EU-Projekt "Baltic Culture and Tourism Route Fortresses"
Fortress days Kostrzyn 01.-02.09.07
Final Conference October 2007
Initiativ conference "Historical Fortress munuments" in Europa, Slubice 2008


EU-Projekt BFR (eng.)
PDF 1,8 MB

Fortress tourism (de)

Model fortress travel routes

PDF 228 KB

Additional publications youll find here>>> Baltic Sea Region