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Startsite > Profile > Revitalization  


Revitalization is a complex scope of task fields in utilisation, revival, transformation and reorganisation of former industrial used fallow properties.

Revitalization combines 3 components of sustainable land use:

  • ecological, because additional land use will be avoided;
  • economical, because the settlement of business on attractive inner city areas usually will be supported with low development costs;
  • social, because revitalisation projects will be combined with employment support and qualification measures.

Former used fallow properties holds a lot of conflicts, but as well there is high value creation potential. Fallow land is unused building land and urban development potential. The objectives, transformation or upgrading these fallow properties into future-oriented, enlivened space is in all affected cities more or less the same. But, in the implementation of such new plans there are huge differences.

If revitalization will be perform competently and economical, investments on abandoned sites are going to be profitable and will result in a profitable utilsation.

Our project developments bases on a largely preservation of the conditions on the site, gently renovation, architectural and functional adjusted new building and regeneration of the natural potential. As partner of authorities, property owners and investors, GKU initiates since years projects for land revitalization. The results are redeveloped and infrastructural developed settlement areas as well as unencumberanced natural space.

Our service for property owners ranges from the realistic usage concept, about investment and marketing conceptions, project development, urban development planning and authority management up to the development and renovation of properties.

Our service for investors includes also value reactivation studies, property preparation and planning, development of support and finance sources, development of operating companies, real estate management and marketing.

For public authorities we do the informal planning, subsidy management, development planning, land use planning as well as construction management and project steering.

Experts of different fields secure value creation of former deficit properties about integrated project planning and steering.

We are activly involved in the risk of project about partnership and co-financing.